Wednesday 29 June 2011

Spa Days - Improve Your Health and Well Being

Spa days are an excellent way to relax and recharge your batteries, far from the worries of everyday life.

Giving the gift of a spa day to someone you care about has never been easier, with many health resorts offering gift vouchers in a variety of different denominations, so you can give as little or as much as you please.

The history of the spa goes back to prehistoric times, as the belief that hot or cold springs have beneficial health effects has proved pervasive throughout history. The first real spas as we would know them, however, were introduced by the Romans, who were renowned for their love of ornate bath houses and elaborate bathing rituals.

While the idea of "taking the waters" as a health cure has largely fallen out of favour in modern times, the benefits of visiting a spa are still as evident as ever, especially in terms of reducing stress and promoting a healthier lifestyle.

The best spas take a holistic approach to health, providing you with a range of treatments and therapies designed to rejuvenate and restore your wellbeing from the outside in. From facials to massages, manicures to aromatherapy sessions, every inch of you can be preened and pampered, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised and ready for anything.

However, spa days are not just about rest and relaxation. Most spas have extensive gyms with a range of high-tech fitness equipment installed, so you can really get your muscles moving and work up a sweat before proceeding to some of the less strenuous pursuits.

The aim of spas is to promote health and wellbeing in their clients in every respect, so to this end some spas are now also providing "mind gyms" for their visitors. These gyms are innovative installations that allow you to flex your mental muscles and focus your concentration with a little mind training.

There is an increasing body of evidence which suggests that exercising your brain actually improves cognitive function and leads to less of those "senior moments" that many of us occasionally experience. As with physical abilities, it seems it really is a case of "use it or lose it" when it comes to brainpower!

Spa days are becoming increasingly popular as birthday, Christmas or anniversary gifts, and spas are even being frequented by hen parties as a more refined alternative to the traditional raucous night out. They genuinely offer something for everyone, and provide a valuable source of health and fitness information and advice for those serious about wellness.

While the efficacy of some spa treatments may be in question, there is no doubt that having care and attention lavished upon you in a calm and peaceful environment cannot fail to have a beneficial effect on your health, raising your spirits and helping decrease your stress levels significantly.

Spa days truly can work wonders when it comes to making you feel better both physically and mentally, and giving the gift of a spa day is a great way to tell someone you really care about them.

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