Monday 9 March 2009

Importance of Draining & Refilling Your Spa

Spas and hot tubs must be drained and refilled on a regular basis. Draining and refilling is one of the 6 keys of good spa care. Prevent problems such as foamy or cloudy water. Follow this regular routine and have a healthier and cleaner spa or hot tub. If the spa water is getting funky looking or smelling and it's been several months, don't bother with anti-foams or water clarifiers! Just drain it. Usually about every 2 to 4 months.

As you're soaking & relaxing in the nice warm, bubbling waters of your spa or hot tub, your body is releasing literally liters of perspiration, body oils, skin cells, not to mention deodorant, make up, perfume, lotions - need I go on? In a swimming pool it's not so bad. But in a spa, well...

Keep this in mind...4 people in a 300 gallon spa is roughly equal to 120 people in a 20,000 gallon pool. Plus there's the significantly warmer water. Do you remember the last time you took a real bath? Not a shower - but a bath. Would you soak in that same water 2 or 3 days later? We didn't think so! Now we have your attention.

The reason a spa or hot tub gets foamy after a period of time is because you are producing soap. To make soap you need 3 things: heat, an alkaline base (something with a high or higher pH) & animal fat (read that as body oils & perspiration).

Now you ask, "I thought the chemicals & filter system were supposed to take care of all of that." Yes and No. Yes, the chemicals & filter will oxidize and remove some of those ingredients, but not all. Most of those substances are "insoluble" or "unfilterable." Shock treatments help to oxidize these wastes and enzymes help to "eat up" these insolubles, but not all of them.

That's why the spa MUST be regularly drained & refilled. But how often? Here's a formula...

1. Determine the number of gallons in the spa.
2. Divided the gallons by the average daily bather load (for example, 3 bathers, 2 times per week would equal approximately 1).
3. Then divide that number by 3 to get your answer (in days).
First example: a spa or hot tub with 300 gallons of water that is used by 2 people twice each day 5 - 7days (equals bather load of 4)

300 ÷ 4 = 75 ÷ 3 = 25 days or about once per month.

Second example: a spa or hot tub with 300 gallons of water that is used by 2 people once each day 5 - 7days (equals bather load of 2)

300 ÷ 2 = 150 ÷ 3 = 50 days or about once every 2 months.

This formula is not concrete, however it is a good guideline to follow. Depending on how much the spa is used directly determines how often it needs to be drained & refilled. Most commercial spas need to be drained & refilled their spas at least once per week! Or they should!

Even if the spa has been standing empty for a period of time without being treated or used, it is recommended that prior to draining & filling the spa, add a spa plumbing line cleaner (such as Spa System Flush, Swirl Away, Spa Purge or AquaFinesse Spa Cleaner) to clean the spa's plumbing lines. Follow the label directions. This will help provide a more successful experience - biofilms can build-up even when not being in use (Did you ever leave a thermos or cooler with a little bit of liquid in closed up for a period of time? Same problem). A fill, treat, drain & refill is worth the extra time & effort.

If at all possible, from time to time (a couple of times per year), tip the spa on its side to more thoroughly empty the water that is in the lines. Check with your local spa professional to avoid damaging the spa.

Remember to follow the other 6 Keys to Spa Care (Circulation, Filtration, Cleaning, Water Testing and Water Chemistry),. They're just as important.

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