Saturday 25 October 2008

The Latest News on Spa Chemicals

If you are considering getting a spa installed in or outside of your home then you will need to know about spa chemicals or you will quickly have a problem. If you already have a spa at your place and are just now learning about spa chemicals than you already have a problem.

This is because a spa is the perfect setting for bacteria to breed, with a warm water temperature and things like dead skin cells floating around in it. The fact is, that poorly maintained spa water has led to people getting very sick and in some instances hospitalized.

Even so, it is not unusual for people to get mild skin rashes from poorly maintained spa water. The good news is that testing the water in your spa and adding the proper chemicals in the correct amounts is easier then it ever has been before thanks to new developments.

There are even automatic dispensers available that will slowly trickle in the spa chemicals for you while you sleep. There is no need for messing with chemicals any more because spa chemicals are available also in tablet form that you simply plunk into the water.

Spa chemicals are either bromine or chlorine based and some people prefer one over the other. Some people have a bad reaction to the chlorine or they may find the smell of it offensive, so you may want to consider bromine if that is the case.

You can easily find spa chemical kits online that you can keep handy to test and treat your spas water any time that you like. Remember that a spa that is receiving heavy use will need to have its water checked and treated more often then one that is used infrequently.

Written by Rusef Scher. Find the latest information on Spa chemicals

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